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Diet Chart Should We Follow After Kidney Stone Treatment.

Diet chart after Kidney Stone Treatment: After kidney stone treatment, it is essential for a person to pay attention to their diet. If you have consulted the best urologist in Jaipur, he might have suggested you about the same. But if you want to be sure about it at your end, then here we are sharing the Diet chart after Kidney Stone Treatment which you need to follow for proper recovery and appropriate results.

Diet chart after Kidney Stone Treatment:-


After kidney stone treatment, hydration is the primary factor of consideration. We suggest you drink almost 3-4 liters of water in a day, and it helps in diluting the chemical which is responsible for stone formation. Make sure not to reduce this quantity because hydration is really very important for preventing stone formation.

Include Vitamin C in your food:

Vitamin C is also very important and integral for people after kidney stone treatment. You can get the win in citrus fruit, and it blocks the formation of stone. The stone formation can also take place due to naturally occurring citrate, so make sure to prevent it with appropriate food items. The sources for citrus include oranges, grapefruit, and lemon.

A plant-based diet is a choice:

A plant-based diet is really very helpful for people after kidney stone treatment. Different plant-based foods are there which you can include in your diet. Also, try to eliminate those natural food items which contribute to oxalate formation. This includes spinach, beans, nuts, and so on.

Limit salt:

The salt limitation is also important because the high level of sodium reaches calcium buildup in urine. Always check on the salt intake and try not to take it in a very high dose. In case you are dependent on vegetable juices that are high in sodium, we suggest you drop it. Doctors also suggest to patients to avoid using salt in juices, so if it is possible for you do it.

Limit animal protein intake:

Right now, animal protein sources, including chicken, poultry, eggs, red meat, and fish, are responsible for increasing uric acid production in the human body. After kidney stone treatment limits them as much as you can. You can also search for some alternatives for animal protein and rely on them.

Increase calcium intake:

Calcium intake is really very important for people. If calcium intake level is low, then oxalate levels will rise. Try to fulfill the calcium requirement of your body with your food. We don't suggest you go for supplements more for calcium intake fulfillment because these are linked with kidney stone formation.

Avoid alcohol:

If you consume alcohol in a huge amount, we suggest you avoid it because it can hydrate your body which contributes to stone formation.

Kidney stones are really very painful, and bearing the pain is not an easy task to do. Therefore pay attention to your Diet chart after Kidney Stone Treatment and do not include anything unnecessarily. Also, we suggest you approach Dr. Lokesh Sharma in Jaipur because he's one of the best urologists and having experience in treating kidney stone problems sufficiently. He will analyze the condition and then only reached the conclusion about the best possible treatment for it.

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